понеделник, 9 януари 2012 г.


I do not have idea, who the author is or whome those pictures belongs if someone have the rights , please write me and your name will be attached .

Pernik is town in Bulgaria

The farmers in Pernik are the hardest in the world

this is a beaver in Pernik

this is an exmple ot art-furniture in Pernik

this is fresh-aroma maker in Pernik

Thisone is a sitizen of Pernik , you can recognize him because of his sport outfit under the suit

this is Pernik's jakuzzi

the vignette in Pernik looks like this one

Как е пещ за хляб на пернишки?
-        Уеб камера
-        А хлебар?
-        Уеб дизайнер

Какво е първото нещо, което прави перничанин като влезне в София?
-Обикаля два пъти окловръстното шосе да "убие" скоростта:)

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